Thursday, September 15, 2011

So first, the Governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, gave himself the power to appoint an administrator to any town he deems fiscally irresponsible. This appointed official can then fire whomever... even elected officials. Sell off town property, etc, and the voter (you) can't do anything about it. Not to mention getting rid of the film intensives that was bringing millions to our economy. And now he want to bully fat kids. Yes fellow Michiganders, report all your fat kids. He wants a state registry to record the body mass of all children. While you are at it Governor, Why don't we force them all to wear an arm band while we are at it. Perhaps a yellow blob on it rather than the Star of David. Oh and make them walk on the street rather than the sidewalk. Then since they are over weight Rick's insurance company backers can charge more to families with fat kids. Will he send the Fat Police into our homes to rummage through our fridge next?

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